I am afraid the blog is getting a little random as I find myself occupied elsewhere. I suppose I will have to accept that for the time being, and tell my perfectionist side to take a hike. But anyway, Coffee is one of my little obsessions. I am working on getting to the point where I can roast my own coffee beans.
So here is a little recipe for Pseudo-Turkish Coffee.
Ideally, you should obtain the Special Turkish grinder, and an ibrik, the lovely little copper pot for making Turkish and Greek Coffee. If you can afford to buy these things, so much the better. I can't.
So My recipe is simple. When you grind your coffee, add one pod of Cardamom. Cardamom can be expensive, so I recommend buying it from an Indian grocery, or possibly from Penzey's Spices. I also recommend black Cardamom, which has a smoky sweet flavor that I think goes better with the coffee. Again, the only place I know to obtain Black Cardamom is Penzy's. Seriously, Penzy's is awesome.
Put the grounds in your French press, with water that is just below boiling. Then let it all steep for about four minutes. If you don't have a french press, I really, really recommend one. They make coffee that is so much better than anything you will get from an auto drip brewer.
Pour into a small cup, and add sugar and milk to taste. Extra sugar, of course, is good for "Turkish" style coffee.
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